Truth and lies: this is what this blog is about. Everytime I sit down to write I will start here. I will seek a prompt and write from the bottom of my tummy for ten minutes. No edits. No censors. No truth. No lies.

About Alison

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Mummy To An Angel. Vintage Housekeeper. Dreamer. Pinny Wearer. Treasure Seeker. Little Ol'Wine Drinker. Stiletto Lover. Doris Day Wannabe. Long Time Blogger, Writer and Veteran of Way Too Many Appalling First Dates...

Saturday 27 December 2008

Writing Prompt: I Believe...

I believe our only obligation is to be kind. We do not owe anyone anything else. The world is too much with us now. That is my mantra for today. Sometimes there needs to be a place to retreat to. A place in which to hold our own hand and say enough now, Sweetheart. Enough.

It is possible I have lost my way. It is possible I set too much store by kindness and feel the seams of my heart come a little undone in the face of the tiniest disregard. I used to pick at the flock wallpaper in her house. Olive green swirls of loveliness coming away in my hands. I wasn't kind then. (I am not kind now). Those who are jealous are intrinsically ugly.

Now I am hungry. If you were were here I would simmer mushrooms gently in a scrape of butter and serve them on a gilt edged plate. If you were here I would dance with you. That is what I would do. I would say yes, lets dance. To an Elvis Presley love song. My face pressed against the goodbye kiss still staining your cheek.

I think I might be lonely. You haven't been kind. No-one could ever say you have been kind.


  1. Sounds like a good mantra. You're right, we are not owed anything. Makes you think...

  2. An enigma with a sad note. Kindness is not always returned with kindness.

    You blog is a visual treat for the eyes.

  3. Mmm love mushrooms, but I also like the idea of holding your own hand, and yes we re not that kind to each other at times, but we all need to think more about it.

  4. the small things will change us....

  5. To be kind is commendable. Unfortunately, not everyone is kind in return. Very interesting concept.

  6. Sometimes when I'm kind it's misunderstood.

  7. i believe we should have no expectation. :(

  8. This entry really made me think... I like that.

  9. A bit of a tall order being kind all the time! We can but try!
    First time I have visited your blog and I will have a little browse before I go. Thank you for visiting mine!

  10. I need that mantra myself. I should tape it to my mirror.

    Sad ending, but good post. Thanks for stopping by my journal.

  11. Lots of wisdom in this lovely post!

  12. Kind can look many ways, eh!
    My heart is tender, inspired by your reading.

  13. Yes, how we treat others should be an uppermost concern. (My hubby and I jitterbug to Elvis music.)
    I enjoyed your kind comment on my blog. Thanks.
